E-Commerce Creator Communities

At Sagelink, we built a Shopify integration for e-commerce marketers to scale and manage their creator relationships. In only a few minutes, a brand could build, launch, and monitor gifting campaigns for segments of ambassadors.

Ambassadors had a self-serve way to build a cart of campaign-based gifts, align with the marketing strategy of the brand, and share any content they developed with the brands. The experience involved developing a community for the creators and provide opportunities to:

  • Share and learn best practices

  • See other creator content from the campaign (and compare results)

  • Find new ambassador opportunities

  • Build a relationship with brands they love

We designed alongside multiple design partners, launched the app on the Shopify App Store, and began to see some signals of traction from initial customers. Unfortunately, marketing budgets were slashed in the summer of 2022 as the market took a dip while Shopify relaunched a free version of recently-acquired DoveTail, which served a competitive value prop.




Brand Community App